Toxocariasis - Treating toxocariasis

In most people, treatment for toxocariasis is not required as the condition often improves on its own.

Treatment is usually only needed in severe cases where the infection causes organ damage.

Medication is the main treatment in these cases. You can usually be treated at home, but you may need to be admitted to hospital if your symptoms are particularly severe.


A type of medication called an anthelminthic is the main treatment for severe cases of toxocariasis. These medicines kill the parasite larvae responsible for the infection.

Albendazole is most often used and mebendazole is an alternative.

These medicines don't usually cause side effects, although some people may experience headaches or stomach pain.

In addition to anthelminthics, steroid medications (corticosteroids) are often given to reduce any inflammation caused by a severe infection. 

Steroid medication is used instead of anthelminthics for toxocariasis affecting the eye.


Surgery may be recommended in severe cases of toxocariasis where one of your eyes is infected

The main types of surgery used include:

  • vitrectomy - where the jelly-like substance that fills the inside of the eye is removed and replaced with a gas or liquid substitute
  • laser photocoagulation - where a laser is used to kill the parasites in the eye

Both these techniques can be carried out using local anaesthetic eye drops to numb your eye and the surrounding area.

Like all surgical procedures, these techniques carry a risk of complications. For example, there is a risk of some degree of permanent vision loss (such as reduced side and night vision). However, the risk of total vision loss in the infected eye due to toxocariasis usually outweighs the risk of surgical complications.

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