PCOS - Diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome

See your GP if you have any typical symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Your GP will ask about your symptoms to try and rule out other causes and check your blood pressure.

Your GP or specialist may then request an ultrasound scan, which can show if you have a high number of cysts in your ovaries (polycystic ovaries). The cysts are under-developed sacs in which eggs develop, called follicles. 

You may also need a blood test to measure your hormone levels and to screen for diabetes or a high cholesterol level.

Diagnosis criteria

A diagnosis of PCOS can usually be made if other rare causes of the same symptoms have been ruled out and you meet at least two of the following three criteria:

  • you have irregular or infrequent periods - this indicates your ovaries do not regularly release eggs (ovulate) 
  • blood tests show you have high levels of "male hormones" (androgens), such as testosterone (or sometimes just the signs of excess male hormones even if the blood test is normal)
  • scans show you have polycystic ovaries

As only two of these need to be present to diagnose PCOS, you will not necessarily have to have an ultrasound scan and blood test before the condition can be confirmed.

Referral to a specialist

If you are diagnosed with PCOS, you may be treated by your GP or referred to a specialist – either a gynaecologist (specialist in treating conditions of the female reproductive system) or an endocrinologist (specialist in treating hormone problems).

Your GP or specialist will discuss with you the best way to manage your symptoms. They will recommend lifestyle changes, and start you on any necessary medication.


Depending on factors like your age and weight, you may be offered annual checks of your blood pressure and screening for diabetes if you're diagnosed with PCOS.

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