Laryngitis - Preventing laryngitis

As laryngitis is often caused by common viral infections, such as cold and flu, it is not always possible to prevent it.

However, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing the condition, including:

  • practising good personal hygiene, such as washing your hands before and after eating and after using the toilet
  • avoiding people who are ill, particularly if you are prone to laryngitis
  • avoiding irritants, such as smoke or dust, particularly if you have a cold or other respiratory tract infection
  • not smoking
  • not drinking more than the recommended limits of alcohol consumption
  • not regularly clearing your throat, as this can irritate the larynx (try swallowing instead)
  • raising your head off your bed with pillows when you are sleeping to protect your larynx from any acid reflux from your stomach during sleep
  • not shouting or singing loudly or for long periods of time - it's important for people who regularly use their voice excessively to receive proper training so they do not damage their larynx
  • making sure you have the annual flu vaccine if recommended by your GP

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