Ibuprofen - Side effects of ibuprofen

Ibuprofen can cause a number of side effects.

For this reason, take the lowest possible dose of ibuprofen for the shortest possible time needed to control your symptoms.

Common side effects of ibuprofen include:

  • nausea (feeling sick)
  • vomiting (being sick)
  • diarrhoea (passing loose, watery stools)
  • indigestion (dyspepsia)
  • tummy (abdominal) pain

Less common side effects include:

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • fluid retention (bloating)
  • raised blood pressure
  • gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
  • a stomach ulcer
  • allergic reactions – such as a rash
  • worsening of asthma symptoms by causing bronchospasm (narrowing of the airways)
  • kidney failure

Less common side effects can also include black stools and blood in your vomit. These side effects can indicate that there is bleeding in your stomach.

See the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine or the ibuprofen medicines information section for a full list of side effects.

If you feel unwell after taking ibuprofen or have concerns about an ibuprofen side effect, seek advice from your GP or pharmacist, or call NHS 111.

Increased risks

Taking ibuprofen, particularly at high doses over long periods of time, can increase your risk of:

  • stroke  when the blood supply to the brain is disturbed
  • heart attacks  when the blood supply to the heart is blocked

In women, long-term use of ibuprofen might be associated with reduced fertility. This is usually reversible when you stop taking ibuprofen.

Ability to drive

Ibuprofen is unlikely to affect your ability to drive safely, although some people may feel dizzy after taking ibuprofen. If you experience dizziness, do not drive.

Inflammation is the body's response to infection, irritation or injury, which causes redness, swelling, pain and sometimes a feeling of heat in the affected area.

The sac-like organ of the digestive system that helps digest food by churning it and mixing it with acids to break it down into smaller pieces.

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