Hydronephrosis - Complications of hydronephrosis

In cases of severe hydronephrosis that are not treated promptly, scarring of the kidney can occur.

In the most serious of cases, this can lead to loss of normal kidney function (kidney failure).

Most people can function normally with just one working kidney, so the failure of a single kidney will probably not significantly affect your health or lifestyle. However, if the failed kidney has been affected by an underlying condition, such as cancer or infection, surgically removing the kidney may be recommended.

If both kidneys fail, it will have a major impact on your health. Your kidneys perform a number of important functions, such as filtering waste products from your blood and helping to regulate blood pressure. Therefore, kidney failure can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as:

  • tiredness
  • swollen ankles, feet or hands (due to water retention)
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling sick
  • blood in your urine

There are two main treatment options for kidney failure. They are:

  • kidney transplant – where a donated kidney that is usually provided by a living donor is surgically transplanted into your body
  • dialysis – where a machine is used to replicate the most important function of the kidneys, which is filtering your blood

Read more information about treating chronic kidney disease.

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