Cystocele - Symptoms of a pelvic organ prolapse

Some women with a pelvic organ prolapse do not have any symptoms and the condition is only discovered during an internal examination for another reason, such as a cervical smear test.

However, many women will experience an uncomfortable sensation of something coming down or out of the vagina.

Other common symptoms include:

  • difficulty going to the toilet, such as not being able to fully empty the bladder
  • difficulty in emptying the bowel, which may mean the bulge has to be pushed back into the vagina to pass a stool
  • difficulty having sex

You may also have stress incontinence, where a small amount of urine is passed if you cough, sneeze or exercise. 

A prolapse can also have a significant impact on your quality of life and body image.

When to seek medical advice

See your GP if you have any of the symptoms of a prolapse, or if you notice a lump in or around your vagina that you have not felt before. 

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