Snake bites - Treating snake bites

There are a number of misconceptions about what to do immediately after being bitten by a snake. For example, you should never try to suck or cut the venom out.

Follow the advice below if you or a companion is bitten by a snake.

Immediate action

  • Remain calm and do not panic. Snake bites, particularly those that occur in the UK, are not usually serious and are very rarely deadly.
  • Try to remember the snake's shape, size and colour.
  • Keep the part of your body that has been bitten as still as possible to prevent the venom spreading around your body. You may want to secure the bitten body part with a sling (a supportive bandage) or a splint (a rigid support that helps keep the body part stable). However, do not make the sling or splint so tight that it restricts your blood flow.
  • Remove any jewellery or watches from the bitten limb because they could cut into your skin if the limb swells.
  • Do not attempt to remove any clothing, such as trousers, but loosen clothing if possible.
  • Seek immediate medical attention (see below).

What you should not do

If you or someone you are with is bitten by a snake you should not:

  • try to suck the venom out of the bite
  • try to cut the venom out of the bite
  • rub anything into the wound or apply ice, heat or chemicals
  • leave someone who has been bitten on their own
  • put anything around the bitten limb to stop the spread of venom, such as a tight pressure band, tourniquet or ligature  it will not help and can cause swelling, even if no venom has been released by the snake; it could also damage the limb, leading to the need for amputation
  • try to catch or kill the snake

Medical attention

If you are bitten by a snake you should visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department, or dial 999 to request an ambulance if it's a medical emergency.

If a snake bites you while you are abroad, you should assume it's a medical emergency and contact the relevant emergency medical services.

In most cases, following a bite, you will need to stay in hospital for a short period. This is so that staff can keep you under observation in case you develop symptoms that suggest venom has been injected.

As a precaution, you may be asked to stay in hospital for at least 24 hours so your blood pressure and general health can be monitored.

Antivenoms are antidotes to snake venom and are used to treat more severe snake bites.


Antivenoms are produced by injecting a small, non-life-threatening amount of snake venom into a large animal, usually a horse.

The animal's immune system (natural defence system) produces antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that stick onto toxins and are capable of neutralising their effects. The antibodies are then taken from the animal (without harming it), purified and stored until needed.

In some people, antivenoms can trigger a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, so it is important you are closely monitored after receiving this treatment.

Due to the risk of anaphylaxis, antivenom should only be given by a qualified healthcare professional.

In cases where a snake bite is severe, and your blood pressure has fallen significantly, you may need intravenous fluids (into a vein in your arm). You may also need a blood transfusion if you have lost a lot of blood.


Recovery times for snake bites can vary depending on the species of snake involved.

In most cases, children bitten by an adder will make a full recovery in one to two weeks. Adults usually take more than three weeks to recover fully, with a quarter taking between one to nine months.

During the recovery period, you may experience episodes of pain and swelling in the area of your body that has been bitten. These symptoms can usually be controlled by taking over the counter painkillers, such as paracetamol and continuing to exercise the limb.

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